
Nakyal is in a valley nearly 3 kilometres from the Line of Control (Or the Ceasefire Line). A nearby place called Tatapani is known for being one of the five crossing points at the LoC that were opened for the exchange of relief goods between Pakistani and Indian Administered parts of Kashmir after the devastating October 8 Earthquake.

Fatehpur Thakiala (Nakyal ) was part of Mendhar sub-division of Poonch before the prartition of Kashmir in 1947. It is bounded by the Line of Control (boundary between Indian and Pakistan-administered Kashmir) on two sides (north and east). The 1947-48 war between India and Pakistan divided it into two parts. One went to Pakistan and the other became part of India. After the separation from Mendhar it became a tehsil of Kotli District. The old name of this area was Thakiala, named after the Thakial Rajputs who live here since ancient times but it was renamed Fatehpur Thakiala to honour the late Sardar Fateh Muhammad Khan Karelvi. It is also the birth place of the ex-president and prime minister of Azad Kashmir, Sardar Sikandar Hayat Khan.

About AJ&K

Area = 13,297 Sq.Km
Population = 4.361 millions
Literacy Rate of AJK= 74%

Current Affairs

PM of AJ&K : Ch. Anwar ul Haq
President : Barrister Sultan Mehmood Chaudhry

Political Hostery of Nakyal

Here is the details of winning person in Nakyal division (LA-9 , 2 Nakyal).

Fatehpur Thakiala(Nakyal) contains the following Union Council and Wards(Village):